The Agony of Defeat

Last night before turning off the computer, I placed a bid on a Tony Sparano 2008 Bowman Chrome Superfractor #’ed 1/1.  My maximum bid was $22.00 and the price of the auction was at $12.50 when I left the auction.  This morning I was hoping to see that I won, but instead found out I got outbid by $0.01.  The card ended up selling for $22.01.  That would have been my very first Superfractor.  Maybe an autograph of his will popup for sale soon.  Have you ever lost an auction that you really wanted to win?

2 Responses

  1. Too many to count!

  2. Ah, I hate the .01 steal! I’ve been victim to that myself. And it usually happens to me with .01 time left on the auction.

    I know the feeling, but fear not. . . another eBay victory awaits!

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